Shooting a new 40 minute film in the series Duivelse Dilemma's. It's a dialogue by a writer I've been wanting to work with for a long time, Oscar van Woensel. About a young man who did or didn't cross the border to Syria and who is or isn't planning an attack in Rotterdam. The whole film is basically four people in one room, talking. Exciting? Yes sir, yes ma'am. Precision work by a lovely cast (in order of the pictures above) Dragan Bakema, Adam Kissequel, Janneke Remmers and Fahd Larhzaoui.
Melle van Essen, the director of photography who also lensed In Blue, and I decided to take our exercise in minimalism a step further by just shooting close-ups in the interrogation room. Risky business, which I like obviously. Day 3. So far, so good.
We're shooting in the oldest studios of the country, where many classics were shot. Production designer Barbara Westra created a set that fits snugly around a circle track. And we've been using that track so heavily that I got dizzy just watching the rushes.